Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Toda's Farm and Livestock Introductory

I think everyone wants to have some job security in their life, unless they are working with the government and treated this as a second income! As for me, I’m in the 1st group where working under a company will not guarantee what my future would be. It could be better nor worse, only God knows!

After months and weeks of thinking and searching, i found my Plan B. Though it is not that glamourous kind of plan, i think that's the best that i could think of. My plan is to rare goats. Don't ask me, just read the bolg ok.

The work started with a seraching of good and approachable land and not suitable for the goats. So we chose our land at Semadang road which is on the way to Puncak Borneo. Below, Wikimapia helped me to show it to you. The land is about 30 minutes from my house or 15 minutes from 10th mile.

The raw material were bought at the nearby hard ware shops and they started to build the house only after Gawai. Finally we are at the final stage to open for business though the business may be starting next years so planning must be more solid but flexible! Solid in term of where our standing is and wise in decision making but flexible where we can go for options not to depend only in one source. So a group of members must come together to do some brainstorming on the dos and don’ts, rules and regulations, share holders or maybe a silent partner and etcetera.

So below are the results of a year planning.

Building a House Farm… they are all wooden and woods are expensive especially Belian. I think this barn took around 3 weeks to be completed.

The tangga was the last thing to be set up afraid that robbers can go up there and do somthing nasty!!

The Partition to accomodate more goats. Here i can accomodate around 30 - 50 goats.

The fences were done very beautifully, hoping to get a beautiful landscape. The Nappier grass is actively being planted surrounding the fence .
When the fences ready, only then we brought the GOATS to their new sanctuary.
Billy and Whillie - both females

Here are the pictures of the prodducts in Barn A. So Cute.....

So currenty we are studying the right ratio of foods for thier intake. All the vitamins and supplements also te be studied for the goats health and immunication. Not only that, we also plan to buid the 2nd house for them to stay and getting more and more goats to be SOLD!


  1. Congrats! doing one's own biz is more profitable, yunno rather than harap makan gaji jak.

    Sorry bro...I've been quite ignorant that only today I click on this blog of yours. Usually, read the other blog. But this blog is a new born, right? And it's new in the list.

    All the best to you!

  2. hey Balqis. Thanks for your continues support. Yes, this is the new blog dedicated to my family and our ladang kambing.

    How are you doing lately? dah ready nak posa ka? hehehe...

  3. Yup...dah ready nk posa. Talking about mutton...yesterday, my sis brought back lots of it (barbequed)from her company's family day, was asking whether there was any leftover...tapi kesiannya aku....dah abis semuanya dianyang sidak di rumah...huhu...arap sik kempunan
